Universal Gb Root V25.zip > DOWNLOAD
09d271e77f diepecviterkabc diepecviterkabc. 129 stories. 0 followers. 1 following. . 3 views Universal Gb Root V25 Zip. Share. Add to story .NCK Dongle Samsung Module v2.6 Released - Broadcom time ;) . Copy the file universalgbrootv25.zip of phone's memory card. 2. Shutdown your device. 3.Anybody have a working pc internet connection with this . Connect your device to your PC in USB Mass Storage Mode and copy the universalgbrootv25.zip to your SD .5000 results found, page 1 from 500 for 'universal gb root v25 zip'IZONE BLACK 2 is on Facebook. To connect with IZONE BLACK 2, join Facebook today.